For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus |Revelation 19:10|

On Grudges and Generosity [and How Then We Pray]

In On Father, Thoughts of God on 03/06/12 at 6:00am

From [Desiring God]

Really convicting thought – both in regards to how we withhold generosity, but then how we project that stinginess onto God. The whole post is worth checking out, but here’s the highlights:

…We withhold grace like a miser withholds money. We are natural-born begrudgers…

…Jonathan Edwards pulled out a spade and dug up the roots of these grudges in his sermon “The Terms of Prayer,”… Edwards discovered three reasons why we withhold blessings from others: envy, contempt, and resentment…

…Edwards’s points about envy, contempt, and resentment are all about theology. God is not envious of his children. He holds no contempt towards us (Psalm 8:3). He holds no resentment towards us. We are poor, desperate, and shortsighted, but God’s generosity to us is not stopped…

…Yet we are begrudging people, and we project that on God, making every excuse in our head for why God will withhold his blessings from us. We knock with timid knuckles…

…So, let me ask: if you are truly convinced that God withholds nothing from you out of envy (he doesn’t want to share his joy), or out of contempt (you are too small for his joy), or out of resentment (you have wronged him and are therefore unworthy of his joy), would you pray differently?

Read the full post [On Grudges and Generosity – Desiring God]

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